Much needed soaks and chill time. This morning it’s back to the trail and a 6 day stretch to Pie Town, NM.
Our Hike on the Continental Divide Trail from Mexico to Canada
Much needed soaks and chill time. This morning it’s back to the trail and a 6 day stretch to Pie Town, NM.
We woke up warm and dry in our quilts and had to force ourselves to pack up our beds and down puffies and put on our cold, wet shoes. The sun was just visible over the ridge, but it would still be awhile before it’s warmth graced us. The sun was the enemy for the first 160 miles, but now we ached for it’s presence.
The first river crossing of the morning was knee deep and woke us up quick. The water was cold and swift and the sand found its way into our freshly rinsed out shoes immediately. I could still feel my feet but my calves were numb. After the second crossing we could see the sun shining on the bank just ahead. We rushed as quickly as we safely could until we were able to bask in the warm glow. We couldn’t stay still for long, there were storms in the forecast, but it was a welcome respite from the chill of the morning.
We continued on, calling out the number of crossings each time. This was like something out of a dream, meandering up an ancient river with everything I need on my back. Late in the morning we reached the 200 mile marker. We heard thunder in the distance a few times, but the weather held and my fear of lightning lives to see another day.
As we neared the end of our river hiking for the day we decided to break for lunch at a hot spring noted in FarOut. After a bit of searching we found the steaming oasis, where we ate ravenously while soaking our tired feet.
Finally, after crossing the Gila River 48 times, we had reached Highway 15. Just 1.2 miles of road walk remained to Gila Hot Springs and Doc Campbells, where our resupply was waiting. The plan for the next 120+ miles of river was still unclear. The idea of another zero day wasn’t very appealing, but we needed a break to dry out our feet and figure out what to do next. We ended up staying at Gila Hot Springs and Campground where we were told the rules, one of which states that clothing is optional in the hot springs after dark. After eating salad and fruit from Doc Campbells we found ourselves skinny dipping in a hot spring looking at the stars in the dark night sky. We’d figure out the plan tomorrow.
We cut through town walking along the main highway, turned right onto a paved road leading back to the trail and began to settle into what would be a 6 mile, trudging road walk. Chances to hitch a ride were slim and the late start meant a warm temperatures already. Somewhere near the last miles we were picked up by Glider, PCT class of ’22, and Bethany who just happened to be in town for a wedding and departing from a hike in the same canyon we were entering. We hopped in, chatted, gratefully received some water, and let them shave a little time off of our morning commute. If you’re out there, Thanks! You made our morning!
The going was easy and sunny as we reached towering pine trees for the first real time on this hike. But around mid-afternoon the thunderheads we’re building and with the trees thinning as we approached Devila Garden we were definitely more exposed. The storms were opening up in the valley behind us and we quickened the pace. We made our camp just before the biggest climb which separated us from from the Gila with about an hour to spare before the storm hit just after sunset. According to Kylie it rained all night, but I slept soundly through the rest of it.
The next morning was clear and the forest pleasantly damp. This was the first of many days of afternoon storms in our future. They remind me of the monsoons in the summer down here but less Intense. The clouds begin to build by 11-12pm, the thunder starts between 12 and 1, and it almost certainly storming by 2. This day followed that pattern exactly and the sky opened up with a hail storm just at the top of the ridge. We through exposed stretches back to the shelter of the trees and by the time we really began to descend we had outrun the worst of it. A little shaken, we followed the trail to a green gate and entered the Gila Wilderness. At this point, our high route backup plan diverged to the east and away, but we both agreed we should at least see the Gila River canyon while we were so close. We walked .5 miles to the shore and knew immediately we would have to hike this river. It was beautiful! Evaluating all of the information at our disposal, we crossed Sapillo Creek, waded across the waist-deep river, and began to follow the river upstream.
We camped along the road / wash in the sand in saddle Rock canyon, one night before we would enter Silver City. In the night Kylie thought she heard something wrestling around the wash and going past our camp. In the morning we discovered fairly fresh bear prints passing our camp and followed them for about 0.2 mil3s. Who knows if that’s what we heard, but nothing really disturbed us all night.
The next morning we hitched a ride with a woman named Cindy who has section height some of this trail. She dropped us off at the local outfitter downtown, we bought gear and followed up with lunch and made our way across town to check into our hotel. Kylie’s feet needed a zero day to heal her blisters before we wait up a river. Unfortunately, I woke up in the middle of the night with stuff coming out of both ends. I was still pretty sick the next morning so he added one more night to our stay. Fat burrito? Who knows. Waterborne illnesses take longer to set in and last a lot longer than this did.
This morning we’re finally making it back to the trail. We kicked around Silver City a little bit yesterday, went to the museum, ate some local food, and started preparing alternate routes for this coming section. An unseasonable week of thunderstorms is moving in and considering our Trail follows the Middle fork of the Gila River directly, we thought it necessary to plan some high water alternates in case some of this rain reaches this watershed. We have a pretty good set of plans and exit points/backtracks to get us to another Trail so we can avoid the river if we need to. Our next stop is Doc Campbell’s post in the middle of Gila National Forest directly on the river and we will reevaluate there.
It has been a pretty good day. Kylie’s blisters and toes seem good, my foot seems great, and it feels like we’re finally hitting a stride. You get pretty rusty when you don’t thru-hike for almost 4 years, but it’s easier to get back in the groove than it is to learn for the first time. We’re finally getting the hang of the challenges in the desert. After all, the Appalachian Trail is pretty homogenous from beginning to end with only some variations in terrain, vegetation, and challenges. We’re pretty efficient hikers in the wet forests of the East Coast. We’re starting to see some efficiency in our desert hiking now too.
Since we’re just starting to hit our pace and still being mindful of our bodies limitations, we do get to go a little slower and enjoy the view more often. From a viewpoint earlier in the day we could see what I’m fairly certain was Coronado National Forest in southeastern Cochise County and maybe even a glimpse of the Chiricahuas. It’s nice to be back home in the desert. Even if it is a little different than back home, I can still almost see some of home from here. It is quite the perspective–I am many years older and a very different person, looking back on my corner of the world from afar.
After leaving the cow camp we made our way back to the trail and found a nice sandy spot in a wash with excellent wind shelter. The Moon was wanig so it rose a little bit later and gave us a chance to see a very dark sky and beautifully bright stars. Several deep sky objects were clearly visible as little smudges in the completely dark sky! It was the best sky we’ve seen on trail this far, and probably the best campsite we selected on this trip. We slept great until the blinding moon rose right above the wash, but I put my hat over my face and promptly went back to sleep.
Hiking out the next morning, we both took turns struggling a little bit. Kylie had some difficult blisters pop up in between her toes where it’s nearly impossible to keep it bandage adhered. My legs were a bit sore but on a brighter note my ankle was doing wonderfully! I’m very confident this will be able to heal and improve over the coming weeks and still allow me to hike. Around midday we took lunch near a water source with Cheese and Chocolate, two hikers from Switzerland we met a few days prior, and started the first real climb over a mountain on this whole trip. Up until this point in the trip the trail started pretty flat with some minor ups and downs. But now we were in the heart of Gila National Forest (the first section, not the one with the Gila River) and the tall junipers, pines, and other trees gave us some much-needed shade. Just before we reached a parking area we met a day hiker named Scott on the trail (and later his awesome dog Sojourn) who told us to follow him to some trail Magic ahead. Turns out he is also from near Kylie’s home town, and has been working remotely from campsites for some time. He sometimes caravans with a friend who drives an RV. We chatted for a bit, let him return to work, and walked over to the RV next to his car. About that time Phoenix, a trail angel who has been living out of said RV along with her rescue Greyhound and cat, pulled up in a jeep with groceries and gave us our first and totally unexpected Trail magic of this trip. We ate donuts, frozen grapes, watermelon, bananas, cupcakes, and took some tea for a later evening. She was very sweet, quite chatty, and a wonderful human being who totally made our day! We stayed a little longer than anticipated which shortened our mileage for the day, but it was totally worth it. This was a pretty remote stretch and we didn’t expect to see anyone other than hikers for the next several days. Cheese and Chocolate arrived just before we left and were promptly welcomed too.
We started our climb to Jack’s peak and burro peak to a cistern on top of the mountain. After refilling our water we decided to stop for the day, eat dinner, and get to bed early. Kylie had another blister which would need attention in the morning but we felt satisfied and were ready for sleep. We cowboy camped near the ruins of an old home site and called it a day.
I am so happy. I am so f****** happy. We set out from Lordsburg speculating that it might be 20 miles until the next water source but betting on a source at about 8. This was our only hope before the cow pond at mile 20. A windmill at mile 15 out of Lordsburg was reportedly back up and running, but as of a few days ago the tank was dry and the trough had 6 inches of water and a dead skunk in it. We reached the cow tank we hoped for at mile 8.4 and it was dry. Completely dry. When we got there we had just eaten breakfast and drank part of our town water to lighten our load, and the day was starting to get warm. We both had about half a liter remaining and 12 miles to go until there was more water. Before we left the motel I drank about 1.5 liters and carried almost 2 more. I was pretty well hydrated already but I knew this 12 miles was going to suck ass.
And we’re here. We’re f****** here. There’s a whole damn green pond full of cow piss and god knows what and we’ve never been so happy to see something like this. I’ve already chugged two liters. We’re not making any more miles today. I’m spent.