Davila Ranch to Pie Town

We had enough food to make it to Pie Town, but we heard about a place along the alternate that let hikers stay for a donation and was stocked with eggs and potatoes. We were sold! We grabbed some water from a cache maintained by Jetta and set out for Davila ranch.

A ranching family built a structure on some land and supplied it with water, septic, a refrigerator, two washers and dryers, a shower, and a small ranch kitchen! There was so much food!! OMG!! We even left with some green onions for snacks on the way into town. God how I miss vegetables when I’m out there. John, the rancher, passed us on the way to pie town and tossed us a couple of bananas too. Super nice guy!

Full and clean, we headed toward Pie Town and finally reached The Toaster House hostel.

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