My Kilt Shredded!

We were running back to the church through a heavy thinderstorm. We got inside, I sat down, crossed my legs and **rriiiipppp**. It split all the way up the side. It tore at the back snap sometime ago, but I thought itust have been my fault somehow. Nope. Just now Ipulled the fabric apart gently with my fingers and *rriiippp* again.

I contacted Purple Rain and told them what happened. Rattle’s kilt and the previous one I own are all just fine. They said that they made a limited run of kilts out of a fabric leftover at the workshop just to make space. Sadly, this fabric isn’t holding up at all. They are sending me another kilt, free of charge and made with their standard material, so all is well. Thanks for making it right! This company is awesome, and I was surprised to have this issue.

Meanwhile, with the help of thrift store pants and a headlamp band I found in a hiker box, I am once again clothed and ready to hike the Winds in hiker-trash style.

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