Beyond Aeroplane Mesa

We woke up to the wolves singing but this time for the dawn. As we packed up camp we took another inventory of our food rations and what we were allowed to eat today since the Gila River took a little longer than expected.

A few hours after breakfast, just when we started getting hungry, Wayne Wilkinson slowed down on the country road we were walking and asked us if we needed anything. We said we were doing pretty good until he started offering Coca-Cola, juice, and snacks (which we could really use). He also gave us most of a loaf of bread and we gave him directions as best we could to his destination.

A few hours later down the same road we stopped to suit-up in rain gear as a big thunderstorm began to pass in front of us to the northeast. It moved quickly so we barely avoided it but another hailstorm came up from behind and started to unload on us. Shortly into this storm a white pickup truck pulled up and asked us if we needed a ride. Mark, Dan, and Chad cut a few hours of road walk and a couple of storms out of our hike just by moving us up the road a few miles.

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